Give Me Your Word is a professional translation and interpreting company committed to delivering high-quality language services to clients across a wide range of sectors. We recognise our responsibility to minimise our environmental impact and actively promote sustainable practices throughout our operations.
Acknowledging Our Environmental Impact
As a company providing interpreting services, our primary environmental impact arises from business travel. The travel required for face-to-face interpreting services contributes to carbon emissions. Additionally, our administrative operations generate digital energy consumption. Recognising these impacts, we are committed to reducing our environmental footprint while maintaining excellent service standards. Furthermore, by operating remotely, we significantly reduce office-related emissions, including energy consumption for heating, cooling, lighting, and other utilities.
Key Commitments
Give Me Your Word is committed to:
Reducing carbon emissions associated with our services.
Promoting sustainable business practices in all areas of our operations.
Encouraging employees, interpreters, and stakeholders to adopt environmentally responsible behaviours.Complying with all relevant environmental legislation and industry best practices.
Tailored Commitments
To support our key commitments, we implement the following sustainable practices:
Remote Working: All administrative staff work from home, reducing the need for daily commuting and office-related energy consumption. Our internal project management staff are based in the Greater Manchester area, allowing for local travel when meeting for training and staff get-togethers, further reducing our carbon footprint. This setup eliminates emissions related to traditional office spaces.
Sustainable Transport: Company management use electric vehicles, significantly lowering our reliance on fossil fuels.
Efficient Interpreter Sourcing: For face-to-face bookings, we prioritise assigning interpreters closest to the venue to minimise travel distances and emissions.
Promotion of Remote Interpreting: We actively encourage the use of remote interpreting solutions (telephone and video calls) to reduce vehicle usage and lower our carbon footprint.
Public Transport Reimbursement: To further reduce emissions, we reimburse public transport costs for interpreters attending face-to-face assignments where possible, encouraging the use of sustainable travel options.
Digital Translations & Paperless Office: Our translations are delivered electronically as standard, with very few originals printed and sent by post, minimising paper waste and transportation-related emissions. We are committed to maintaining a paperless office, which supports net-zero goals by reducing deforestation, lowering energy consumption, cutting transportation emissions, minimising waste, and increasing efficiency through digital systems. Our HR department accepts all recruitment documents online, further eliminating unnecessary paper usage.
Carbon Footprint: Calculate our carbon footprint to understand our impact on the local community. We will then review Reduce travel emissions by encouraging online meetings and sustainable modes of transport.
Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed annually by the Senior Management Team to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Updates will be made as necessary to align with new environmental legislation, industry developments, and technological advancements.
This Environmental Policy is effective as of 10th March 2024.